Oklahoma Sooners - The Hawks
Just like their likeness in the Ducks movies, the Sooners are a longtime powerhouse program in the sport of college football and they are just flat out winners. They have an incredibly unlikeable head coach (Bob Stoops/Jack Reilly) and aren't above doing bad things to be successful (Big Red Imports/Taking Banks out in the championship game)
Texas Longhorns - Adam Banks
Like legendary Texas head coach Darryl Royal from Oklahoma, Banks came to the Ducks from their arch rival, the Hawks. Banks isn't really liked by anyone, but part of that is probably due to the fact that is more talented than anybody else really. Like Texas he has issues. For Banks it's the injury issue which represents Texas' seeming inability to win big games for a long time.
Texas Tech - Charlie Conway
From Drew Fox's Blog: http://longhornmafia.blogspot.com/2008/10/texas-football-texas-tech-game.html
Who is Charlie Conway? Well he started out as an awkward Minnesota youth that played pee wee hockey to pass the time. The Gordon Bombay "taught him to fly" and Conway scored the unlikely game-winning goal as his Ducks defeated the evil Hawks for the Minnesota state title. Later, he allowed a pick-up player to claim his roster spot when the Ducks (implausibly) represented the USA at the Junior Goodwill Games, presumably because Conway's leadership meant more than his middling talent level.
Then as the Ducks moved into high school - and jumped the proverbial shark - Conway, the awkward, marginal role player, suddenly becomes the star of the team. Out of nowhere. It just didn't make sense.
Tech has always been that marginal, middling program. Sure, they may score a big goal against an evil Texas or OU, but they're not the conference's star. Yet here we are nine weeks into the season and the Red Raiders are hosting College Gameday and a national prime time game between top ten teams. Texas needs to put them back in their place this weekend.
Texas A&M - Dave Karp
Remember the fat kid from the first movie that everyone made fun and then was never really relevant? Yep, very Aggie like.
Oklahoma State - Guy Germaine
Guy is the member of the team who is usually solid, but unremarkable but has the REALLY hot girlfriend and it makes no sense as to why she digs him. Well, the Cowboys pretty much fit that to a T with another T, T. Boone Pickens, playing the hot girlfriend who digs Oklahoma State for no real reason (I know he's an alum).
Baylor Bears - Lester Averman
Lovable loser who you can't quite figure out why he's even on the team. Couldn't describe Baylor more.
Nebraska - Gunner Stahl
So Gunner was a COMPLETE badass in the D2. The dude was just a flat out machine, just like Huskers were for years and years. What you might not know, is that Gunner Stahl appears in D3. Well sort of, it's actor Scott Whyte who plays Gunner in D2 re-appears in D3 as an anonymous Varsity team member named Scott. That's Nebraska for you. Once a Super Badass program, now anonymous.
Kansas State - Fulton Reed
Awkward at times and came out of nowhere. He's not particularly skilled overall, but with his shot power he is able to make things happen from time to time (KSU beating OU in the 2003 Big 12 title game)
Missouri - Julie "The Cat" Gaffney
Plays second fiddle for a long time, but has one brilliant moment to shine. (stopping gunner's Penalty shot in D2 = the entire 2007 season)
Colorado - Wolf Stannson
The dentist was a talented player, but he was banned from the NHL for being a goon. That pretty much sums up Colorado and their fans. They've had plenty of outstanding football teams over time, but also have had plenty of shady characters.
Iowa State - Tammy Duncan
She was only on the team in the first movie because her brother wanted to be on the team and they had to play together. Iowa State is only part of the Big 12 because they were part of the Big 8. Both Tammy and the Cyclones are relatively useless.
Kansas - Goldberg the Goalie
Too Easy.