Everybody knows a couple of Brians so there is nothing spectacular about it. Colt on the otherhand is a rare name and anybody named Colt was destined to play football or participate in rodeo.
Advantage: Brennan
Brohm is from Louisville which is known for many things, but mostly it's known for making baseball bats and equipment. It does get a deduction because people never know how to pronounce it. Seriously, is it LOO-ee-ville or Loo-IH-vull? (trick question, it's actually pronounced Lewis-ville). Brennan on the other hand is from Laguna Beach, Ca which was the setting for an MTV show. I could probably spend 5 minutes in Laguna Beach and see more attractive girls than I would in a week anywhere in Kentucky.
Advantage: Brennan

it's a little mop-topish an unkempt, but it's nothing uncommon for a college student today.

Yes, I can't think of a single white person who looks good with dreads, afterall it generally conveys a real stoner/hippie vibe, but most of his Hawaii teammates are Samoan or Tongan and have long hair as is custom on those islands so he grew his hair out for solidarity purposes which I admire.
Advantage: Brennan
oh wait, are those the Hawaiian Islands dyed into his head? Yikes.
Advantage: Brohm (on a recount)
Sex appeal:
You have to be able to appeal to the female demographic if you want to push merchandise in today's sports world. Look at the effect Brady Quinn is having in Cleveland. Several dozen stout Ohian women throw themselves upon him on a daily basis, all of whom he declines with a polite and gentlemanly, "oh hell no." However, the Brady Quinn endorsed feminine hygiene products are the top sellers in four states. Brohm looks like Opie so women might find him cute, but few will find him sexy. Once Brennan's hair grows out he'll be back to his old sexy self.
Advantage: Brennan
Rap Sheet:
Brian Brohm has, to common knowledge, never had a run-in with the law. Brennan spent seven days in Jail convicted of burglary and criminal trespass in a University of Colorado dorm. As we know, the Atlanta Falcons would never, ever, ever, EVER draft a player who would show such poor judgment and engage in criminal activity.
Advantage: Brohm
College Head Coach:
With all due respect to new Louisville head coach Steve Kragthorpe, Brohm is a student of New Falcons coach Bobby Petrino. Brennan is a protege of June Jones who served as Falcons head coach from 1994 to 1996 compiling an impressive 19-29 record. Given his history, Bobby Petrino will have deserted the sinking ship that is the Falcons organization long before he gets to 19 wins with the Falcons.
Advantage: Brennan
So there you have it, using the formula all NFL GMs use to draft players, Brennan edges out Brohm for the Falcons pick, which will be #1 overall this coming April. Brohm is probably the better option since no coach has ever failed in the NFL bringing in a guy he coached in college to quarterback his pro team. Brennan could be marketable as the sinner who found redemption which is a step up from our old marketable star who was just, you know, a sinner. And besides, I think Brennan would look cool with the state of Georgia dyed on the side of his head.
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